Ground, Air, and Sea
Cargo Logistics
Logistics you can count on! Every time.
Trust your shipping to CBR Brokerage, Inc.
Shipper’s at CBR Brokerage our goal is to eliminate the hassles of shipping.
Along with 24/7 customer service, we simplify shipping by:
- Qualifying Carrier & Insurance.
- Negotiating Rates.
- 24/7 Shipment tracking.
- Easy communications/No automated systems.
- Mitigating claims.
CBR Brokerage has partnered with the industry’s top carriers.
Our Carriers benefit from the following:
- Personal Relationships.
- Easy communications/No automated systems.
- 24/7 Support.
- 48 Hour Quick Pay.
- Standard 20 days to pay.
You are in good hands.
CBR will take good care
of your cargo shipments
Contact us to today to start the conversation
on how we can improve your shipping.
We are committed to your satisfaction.